INF 7040: Management and Leadership

Credits: 3

Prerequisite(s): INF 6010 and INF 6080 or concurrently

Rationale for inclusion in curriculum

This course introduces management skills and leadership development necessary for the successful functioning of libraries and other information institutions. Students will learn strategies that foster diverse leadership styles and practices to meet the needs of communities being served. Libraries and information institutions are complex organizations influenced by several factors including their size, user communities, mission, organization structure and location. New graduates often receive assignments that require managerial and leadership skills. Professionals advancing within their careers may further become involved in the management process and assume responsibilities at various administrative levels. This course is designed to prepare students with the foundational skills for various levels of involvement in the management of libraries and information institutions.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course students will be able to:

  1. Discuss the dynamic and evolving role of libraries and information institutions as influenced by leadership philosophies, societal trends and by diverse organizations of which they are part.
  2. Identify, analyze and assess environmental factors which have an influence on libraries and information institutions and the specialized information services they are expected to provide to a diverse range of communities.
  3. Apply concepts and approaches to planning, organizing, staffing, directing, budgeting, communications and controlling within libraries and information institutions.
  4. Assess the changing role of the manager of libraries and information institutions within the total organization to which information and services are being provided.
  5. Understand management and leadership concepts that contribute to an organizational climate where social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion are encouraged, supported and promoted.
  6. Articulate their philosophy of management and their preferred management style. 


The outline of the content of the course will generally follow the selected textbook. Students, however, will have both required and optional supplementary readings to accompany each unit of the course. According to the choices of the instructor, lectures, guest lectures, discussions, group exercises, individual exercises and case studies will be used throughout the course. Topics covered will include planning, organizing, leading, staffing, public relations, professional ethics, effective communication, conflict resolution, budgeting, diversity/equity/inclusion in the workplace, transformational/change management and future trends.

Course methodology

The course will be developed in keeping with the instructor's personal viewpoint of management and leadership and will be complemented by the text and supplementary readings. Students will analyze and address selected management and leadership issues using case studies, exercises and issue papers. According to the instructor, guest lectures will provide diverse perspectives on management by type and size of library or information institution.

Bases for evaluation of student performance

Student performance in the course will be based on:

  1. Class participation, including any group exercises.
  2. Completion of required readings and other required assignments.
  3. Timely submission and quality of written assignments.
  4. Final examination.


To be selected by lead instructor in consultation with other instructors

Updated: 04/23