INF 7880: Instructional Methods for Librarians

Credits: 3

Prerequisite(s): INF 6010, INF 6080, INF 6120

Rationale for inclusion in curriculum

A course providing an introduction to library instruction, information literacy, and user education is necessary for those who will be expected to provide instruction to library users of all ages and types. This course will provide the student with an understanding and an appreciation of the nature and function of learning theory, teaching methods, the instructional design process, and how informational needs relate to instruction.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate acquaintance with the principles of user education, library instruction, and information literacy.
  2. Use the terminology and vocabulary relating to teaching, learning, instructional design, and information literacy.
  3. Identify an informational need.
  4. Select among a variety of instructional methodologies and design, implement, evaluate, and revise instructional solutions to meet identified needs, including online solutions.
  5. Discuss and apply learning theory competently in designing solutions to instructional problems.


Instructional Theory; User Education; Library Instruction; Information Literacy; Literature in the Field; Professional Organizations; Needs Assessment; Goals and Objectives in Teaching; Learning Theory; Critical Thinking; Presentation Skills; Instructional Materials and Tools; Electronic Environment; Remote Instruction; Marketing; Working with Faculty (and others); and Evaluation.

Course methodology

A mix of lectures, readings, class discussions, videos, guest speakers, individual and group presentations, and, where appropriate, tours of library and instruction sites.

Bases for evaluation of student performance

Class attendance and participation in individual and group activities; assessment activities; evaluation of instruction and instructional materials; and design and development of instruction.


To be determined

Approved: 1/12

Updated: 8/13