Library Issues Mini-Summit: Diversity
The "Library Issues Mini-Summit" was hosted by the faculty of the School of Information Sciences on September 24, 2009. The focus of the mini-summit, co-hosted by the School's Diversity Council, was "Diversity in Libraries." Over fifty librarians and information professionals from across the region came together to consider how to recruit a more diverse workforce to the library and information professions, how the School can recruit more students from under-represented groups, and how to infuse a consideration of diversity issues across the MLIS curriculum.
The morning keynote presentation by Ms. Sandra Phoenix, Director of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Library Alliance in Atlanta, is available at Ms. Phoenix discussed how to recruit a more diverse student body.
The luncheon keynote presentation by Ms. Nonie Price, Alumni Relations and Continuing Education Coordinator for the University of South Carolina School of Library and Information Science, is available at Ms. Price discussed the opportunities and challenges of involving library professionals in her School's diversity recruitment and retention efforts.