Jesse Listserv

Jesse,, is the primary electronic discussion list for library and information science educators worldwide. The Jesse listserv is named in honor of Jesse Hauk Shera, a pioneer in the field of information science. The Wayne State School of Information Sciences hosts and administers Jesse.

To subscribe to Jesse:

  • Send an email message to LISTSERV@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU
  • Leave the subject line blank
  • Type "subscribe jesse" (no quotation marks) plus your firstname and your lastname in the body of the message
  • Send the email message
  • A follow-up welcome message will be sent to the email address used when subscribing. For security reasons, you must confirm your subscription before you are fully subscribed to the list.
  • Retain a copy of the welcome message that explains the commands available and outlines the polices that apply to the listserv
  • To send a message to all members currently subscribed to the list, send an e-mail to JESSE@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU. You will first receive a message that you need to confirm your posting before the message gets distributed. After you confirm, you will receive an acknowledgement that your message was distributed to the list and a copy of the posted message.

    List archives are available to subscribers who register at

    To unsubscribe from JESSE@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU:

  • Send an email message to LISTSERV@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU from the email address used when first subscribed
  • Leave the subject line blank
  • Type "signoff Jesse" (no quotation marks) into the body of the message
  • Send the email message
  • For assistance with the Jesse listserv, go to