2020 Career Fair
The School of Information Sciences Annual Career Fair has been postponed for 2020. The event is held at the Student Center on the campus of Wayne State University. This event has brought employers and potential employees together for over 20 years. Below is a tentative itinerary for the day.
Employers: please visit: http://sis.wayne.edu/jobfair/employer-registration
Students: please visit: https://rsvp.wayne.edu/sis-2020-career-fair
Schedule of Events
9:15 - 10:00 a.m. Employer Registration and Set-Up, Student Center, 2nd Floor
9:30 "" 10:00 a.m. SIS/Employer Information Exchange Student Center, Hilberry Room C/D
10:00 a.m. Open Student & Alumni Registration, Student Center, Hilberry Room C/D
10:00 "" 11:30 a.m. Employer/Student General Information Interviews, Student Center Hilberry Room C/D
11:35 a.m. "" 12:50 p.m.
Panel Discussion "" A Library, Archive, and School Media Show and Tell
12:50 "" 2:00 p.m. Luncheon (Employers and Panelists Only)
Student Center, Hilberry Room D
1:05 "" 1:30 p.m. - Resume Tips Workshop -- "How To Sell Yourself" conducted by SIS Career Advisor, Kim Schroeder
Boxed lunch provided for SIS student and alumni attendees
Student Center, Hilberry Room A
1:30 "" 2:30 p.m. - Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Choices to Make, Paths to Take, and Making Friends Along the Way
Steven Bowers, Past President, Michigan Library Association and Interim Associate Dean of Libraries, Wayne State Library System
Student Center, Hilberry Room A
Presentations and panels will be webcast.
Overnight Accommodations
For those who require housing, we suggest contacting The Inn On Ferry Street at (313) 871-6000. When making arrangements, please note that you are visiting the inn for Wayne State University business to receive a discount. For a list of other local lodgings, please see: http://sis.wayne.edu/lodging
If you have any questions about the SIS Career Fair, please feel free to contact Kim Schroeder at ag1797@wayne.edu or 888-497-8754 ext. 744.