COVID Diaries: Submit your story

WDET and the Wayne State Libraries are working together to collect Wayne State stories and experiences throughout this pandemic to add to a WDET project called COVID Diaries: Stories of Resilience. Everything submitted to the project will be donated to the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs for preservation in the University Archives and your submission may appear on the WDET social channels, website or on air. 

Sharing is simple: Take a picture or video that reflects your own interpretation of the weekly theme. We also welcome your story as a written narrative (up to 300 words).

Submit Your Story button



To learn more or to see what has been shared in the previous weeks, visit There’s no experience too small: everyone’s experience is different and sharing your story helps connect us all.

Weekly themes:

The Other Side of The Fence - publishing week of May 18

Coming Up For Air  - publishing week of May 25

COVID Diaries is produced as part of WDET's StoryMakers program in partnership with Documenting Detroit.


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