Generous response yields new scholarship in memory of former faculty member

School of Information Sciences alumni, faculty, staff, students, and friends came together to establish a scholarship in memory of former faculty member Dr. María Gonzalez.
Faculty of the school launched a campaign to raise the funds required to name the scholarship in honor of their late colleague and friend in early 2021. With support from donors on Giving Day and beyond, more than $15,000 has already been raised to support the annual scholarship that will provide archival students the opportunity to work on the collections of underrepresented communities in the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor & Urban Affairs.
María’s colleagues and friends from the University of Texas at Austin have been especially generous, as have her friends from across the US in supporting this scholarship.
María was a leader among the local bilingual, urban, and activist communities and worked with organizations in Detroit including the Green Garage. She died in October 2020 from complications related to ALS. Her career and community service remains a model for current and future Information Warriors. Read more about María here.
The SIS community is grateful for all those who have already given to this and other scholarship funds. Additional gifts to the María Gonzalez Annual Scholarship Fund will ensure this opportunity is available for future School of Information Sciences students.
When you make a gift, in the section that reads “Notes about the gift,” please note your gift is in memory of María Gonzalez and select the designation School of Information Sciences Scholarships.