Professor Deborah Charbonneau to present at ACRL forum
School of Information Sciences Professor Deborah Charbonneau will be presenting at a forum hosted by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) on Friday, August 4.

Charbonneau is a guest speaker for the organization's Health Sciences Interest Group First Friday Forum and will be presenting the topic, "How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced reference, research, and instruction in health sciences libraries?" with Emily Vardell, associate professor of the School of Library and Information Management at Emporia State University.
Charbonneau and Vardell will discuss the results of the research they conducted examining reference, research and instruction services provided by academic health sciences librarians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Insight and recommendations drawn from the survey findings have the potential to help guide training efforts and library services during public health crises.
A total of 205 respondents completed their anonymous online survey about academic health sciences librarian involvement in providing library services during the global pandemic. The top three research services in demand during this period will be presented, along with ways that librarians supported online teaching and learning at their institutions. Come share your experiences as the researchers facilitate a discussion about responsive academic library services in evolving COVID-19 pandemic information environments.
The event will take place virtually on Zoom at 12 p.m. ET at the link below. The event is open to the public and no registration or membership is required.
Charbonneau, D.H. and Vardell, E. (2022). Health sciences librarian research and instruction services in pandemic information environments. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 48(4), 1-7. DOI:
Charbonneau, D.H. and Vardell, E. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on reference services: A national survey of academic health sciences librarians. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 110(1), 56-62. DOI:
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 975 5948 5859
Passcode: FFFHSIG