SIS faculty have busy summer and fall
SIS Faculty members had a busy summer, with many faculty members heavily involved in writing, publishing, and presenting. Here's a summary of some of the activities they have been involved in:
Faculty Conference Attendance and Presentations
Tim Bowman will be presenting a paper entitled "#iCanHazPdf: Tweets requesting publications behind the paywall." at 4AM Altmetrics Conference in Toronto, September 26-29, 2017.
Deborah Charbonneau, presented the Continuing Education webinar entitled "Survey Success: 10 Essential Tips for Effective Survey Design" hosted by the Medical Library Association on July 27, 2017. She also recently presented at the World Congress on Advanced Nursing Practice in Edinburgh, Scotland. Her presentation was entitled "Online Social Support and Privacy Risks: Protecting Personal Health Information in the Digital Age."
Peter Hook presented a paper co-authored with student Amanda Gantchev at the North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization,June 15 - 16, 2017. Their paper was entitled Using Combined Metadata Sources to Visualize a Small Library (OBL's English Language Books),
Kafi Kumasi participated in multiple presentations and events this summer, including a participation on a panel at The National Conference of African American Librarians (NCAAL) with Wayne State SIS students and mentors involved in Project IDoL- Increasing Diversity of Librarians. It was also announced that Dr. Kumasi's paper entitled, "Doin' the Knowledge: Using Hip Hop as Framework to Study Youth New Media Practices." has been accepted for presentation at YALSA's Trends Impacting YA Services session. Dr. Kumasi will present her paper during the session which will occur at ALA Mid-winter conference in February 2018.
Faculty Research and Publications
Tim Bowman co-authored on paper accepted to Scientometrics Journal titled "Measuring Social Media Activity of Scientific Literature: An Exhaustive Comparison of Scopus and Novel Altmetrics Big Data". He also co-authored on a paper submitted to Behaviour & Information Technology titled "Investigating the Impact of Online Tech Articles by Deploying Social Usage Indicators and Semantics".
Christine D'Arpa co-authored an article for a special issue of Library Trends entitled, "What's History Got to Do with It? Seventy Years of Historical Dissertation Research at the School of Information Sciences of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Library Trends 65/4)".
Kafi Kumasi published a journal article in School Library Connection this June entitled, "Let the Dodo Bird Speak: A Rejoinder on Diversity in Children's and Young Adult Literature". In May Dr. Kumasi co-authored a book chapter on Libraries and Diversity in Children's and Young Adult Literature for Dr. Violet Harris, Professor Emeritus at University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne.
Laura Sheble has published multiple articles over the summer. She is finalizing two papers including Misinformation and Mass Audiences manuscript ( ;, a volume to appear in Andrew P. Dillon's Information series, and which will be published by the University of Texas Press in January 2018. Another paper in which she was a participating author, 'Synthesis Centers as Critical Research Infrastructure', a paper led by Jill Baron of the US Geological Survey's John Wesley Powell Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, was also recently published. (Abstract): She is also finalizing a manuscript for Macro-level diffusion of a methodological knowledge innovation: Research Synthesis Methods, 1972-2011, which was accepted for publication in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology as an AIS Review (DOI:10.1002/asi.23864, not yet published or online).