SIS Kicks Off Career Advising Events with June 18 Panel

This June, join SIS as we focus our attention on career development for current students and alumni.

We'll be hosting webinar events and recruiter sessions, plus sharing informative articles throughout the month. 

If you're interested in learning more about working in public libraries then you won't want to miss our Virtual Public Libraries Panel on Tuesday, June 18 from 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM EDT.

Register here!

Featured speakers and topics are:

“Connecting with Local Authors”
Brian R. Johnston
Adult Services Librarian
Lincoln Township Public Library

“Outreach to the Memory Loss Community”
Meghan Mott
Outreach Librarian
Clinton Macomb PL

“Connecting with Critical Librarianship (#critlib):
Practical Application of EDI Principles in Libraries”
Steven K. Bowers
Executive Director

Register today! Can't make it that day? Sign up and we'll send you the recording!  See you on June 18.

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