Upcoming NDSA and SAA events for SLIS students
Two SLIS student organizations are hosting learning events in April and May. All SLIS students are invited to participate!
Date: Saturday, April 29, 2017 -- Time: 2 p.m.
Presentation: Two Sides of a Coin: Digital Collections of the Digital Repository
Presenters: Cole Hudson and Graham Hukill, both from the Digital Publishing Unit of the Wayne State University Library Systems.
The Wayne State Library system contains not only books and journal articles, both digital and physical copies, but it also contains rare manuscripts, books and special collections, as well as archival collections. The presentation will focus on how these collections go from being digital items to an online presence available for patron viewing.
The NDSA chapter meeting will follow the workshop. We will be discussing potential tours for the summer and different summer project ideas.
You can join the meeting in person at Kresge Library, Room 315 or virtually at: https://connect.slis.wayne.edu/ndsa
All SLIS students are welcome!
DATE: Friday, May 5, 2017 -- Time: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Archive Tour
The Wayne State chapter of Society of American Archivists will be hosting a tour to a handful of neighboring repositories in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. We have a sign-up sheet, which you can find at this link, where you can join us individually, via SLIS-mobile, or through carpooling from a friend (or volunteers on the list). The itinerary is this:
8:45 Depart Reuther (for those of you who need a ride from campus)
10:00 Arrive at the William Clements Library in Ann Arbor
11:00ish Depart Clements
12:00 Arrive Gerald Ford Presidential Archives
1:00ish Depart Ford
1:30ish Arrive Eastern Michigan University
Before 3:00 Depart EMU
4:00 Return to Campus
Decamp to local watering hole for food and debrief.
The schedule includes all three institutions, but neglects meals due to time scrunching. If you are interested in joining, feel free to bring something to snack on either before or after touring one (or all) of the above institutions. We are also accommodating a few members of the Walter Reuther faculty to join us, who can provide unique experiences and humorous stories during the in-between treks to each institution, so sign-up soon if you would like a spot in the SLIS-mobile. Upon returning to campus, a number of our members will be meeting up for food at a local bar or restaurant. Said location is currently undecided. But for those of you interested in taking part, please feel free to sign up, and take this opportunity to meet professionals in the field.
Contact Mark Prindiville for more information: mark.prindiville@wayne.edu.