Robert Holley

Robert Holley



313-577-7563 (fax)

Office Hours

By appointment 

Office Location

313 Kresge

Robert Holley

Degrees and Certifications

  • Columbia University, MLS, Graduated with Honors. 1973
  • Yale University, Ph.D. French Literature, 1971
  • Universit' de Lyon, French Language and Literature, 1966
  • Xavier University, BA, French and Latin, Summa cum Laude, 1967

Awards and Honors

  • LCATS Research Award Winner, 2003.
  • Distinguished Alumnus, Columbia School of Library Service, 1991.
  • Utah Library Association Research Award, 1987.
  • Technical Section Distinguished Service Award, Utah Library Association, 1985. 
  • Second Prize, ULA/MPLA Research Competition, Academic Section, 1982.
  • Beta Phi Mu (Library Honorary Society), Invited 1974
  • Tauber‑Begner Award in Technical Services, Columbia University, 1974.
  • Yale Fellowship, 1968‑1971
  • Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1967.
  • Fredin Memorial Scholarship for Studies in France, 1965.

Academic Interests

Self-publishing, Academic Libraries; Scholarly Communication, Out-of-print Book Market, Collection Development; Library Administration and Management; Technical Services

Areas of Expertise

Collection development, academic libraries, scholarly communication, intellectual freedom, out-of-print book market, self-publishing

Recent Publications

Thomas, Janelle and Robert P. Holley, "Management versus Repetitive Tasks - Avoiding 'Working for the Weekend': A Crash Course in Motivating Library Staff Faced with Seemingly Endless Tasks." New Library World v 113 no. 9/10 (2012) p 462-473.


 Manley, Laura, and Robert P. Holley, "History of the Ebook: The Changing Face of Books." Technical Services Quarterly v 29 no. 4 (2012) p. 292-311.

 Heitsch, Elizabeth K, and Robert P. Holley, "The Information and Learning Commons: Some Reflections." New Review of Academic Librarianship v 17 no. 1 (2011) p. 64-77.

 Spellman, Rosemary, and Robert P. Holley, "An Overview of the Google Books Project
and Other Digitization Initiatives: Implications for Libraries." Journal of Library and Information Science v 27 no. 1 (2011) p. 18-30.

 Pope, Julia T, and Robert P. Holley, "Google Book Search and Metadata." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v 49 no 1 (2011) p 1-13.

 Dickson, Andrea, and Robert P. Holley, "Social Networking in Academic Libraries: the Possibilities and the Concerns." New Library World v. 111 no 11/12 (2010) p. 468-479.

 Potter, Susan, and Robert P. Holley, "Rare Materials in Academic Libraries." Collection Building v. 29 no 4 (2010) p. 148-153.

 Steiner, Heidi. M. and Robert P. Holley, "The Past, Present, and Possibilities of Commons in the Academic Library." The Reference Librarian v. 50 no. 4(October/December 2009) p. 309-32.

 Utter, Timothy and Robert P. Holley, The Scholarly Communication Process Within the University Research Corridor (Michigan State University, the University of Michigan, and Wayne State University): A Case Study in Cooperation. Resource Sharing & Information Networks v. 20 no. (2009) p. 3-17.

 "Subject Access Tools in English for Canadian Topics: Canadian Extensions to U.S. Subject Access Tools," Library Resources & Technical Services, v. 52, no. 2, April 2008, pp. 29-43.

 "Are Technical Services Topics Underrepresented in the Contributed Papers at the ACRL National Conferences?" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly.  v. 44 no. 3/4 (2007) 259-269 and the separately published monograph: Cataloger, Editor, and Scholar : Essays in Honor of Ruth C. Carter. New York, Haworth Press, 2007. Edited by Robert P. Holley

 "Libraries as Repositories of Popular Culture: Is Popular Culture Still Forgotten?" First author with John H. Heinrichs as second author. Collection Building. v. 26 no. 2 (2007) pp. 48-53.



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