INF 7492: Information Visualization

Credits: 3

Prerequisite(s): Required:  INF 6010, 6080. Recommended INF 6490, 7491

Rationale for inclusion in curriculum

Information professional careers increasingly focus on understanding and drawing insights from vast stores of collected data. Analyzing these large data sets and drawing insights from them will become the basis for competition. To obtain insights, information professionals use a variety of tools, statistical techniques, charts, and graphs to present and infer meaning.

This course is intended to advance the student’s insight generation skills and capabilities. This course does not require any technical knowledge beyond the content covered in INF 6080.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  1. perform analysis using various statistical tools and techniques
  2. perform critical thinking using analytic models
  3. articulate the fundamental concepts of visualization and decision making
  4. enhance presentation and communication skills through interactive visualizations
  5. expand ability to think and reason rigorously through using pattern detection
  6. use appropriate visualizations to communicate scientific and technical information


Various topics will be explored in an Information Science setting focusing on practical data visualization and analysis.  The following topics will be covered in this course:

  1. Data analysis and graph design
  2. Color theory and human perception
  3. Creating infographics
  4. Dynamic presentations and storytelling with Tableau
  5. Communicating scientific and technical information

Course methodology

  1. Lectures
  2. Readings
  3. Discussion Boards
  4. Demonstrations
  5. Supplemental Materials
  6. Projects

Evaluation of student performance

The student’s performance will be evaluated using:

  1. Discussion board participation
  2. Completion of class assignments
  3. Projects

Students will have access to various software productivity tools to complete assignments.


To be determined


Updated:  4/2024