INF 7620: Health Informatics

Credits: 3

MLIS Prerequisite(s): INF 6010 and INF 6080

MSIS Co-requisite(s): INF 6010

Rationale for inclusion in curriculum

This course introduces students to rapidly expanding areas in informatics research and practice in various health contexts. In this course, students will become familiar with a range of emerging technologies that are applied to the practice of health from an interdisciplinary perspective. The course covers tools for public health disease monitoring and surveillance, including digital tools for pandemics. In addition, consumer health technologies such as mobile apps, wearable sensors, and interactive health games will be explored. Further, the potential benefits, challenges, and ethical issues of technologies in healthcare will be investigated. We will also evaluate the role of interactive media and information technology in health literacy. Overall, the course incorporates the latest ideas, technologies, theories, and informatics principles to prepare students for career opportunities in the public, non-profit, and private sectors.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course students will be able to:

  1. Examine the impact of emerging technologies on healthcare decision-making, patient selfmanagement, and health information management.
  2. Analyze the changing relationships between healthcare consumers and health professionals because of various technologies.
  3. Compare and evaluate available health information technologies (e.g. mobile apps, wearables, interactive health games, etc.) to help address health disparities.
  4. Evaluate the role of interactive media and information technologies in health literacy.
  5. Apply evidence-based principles in selecting health information technologies for target populations and scenarios.
  6. Analyze the ethical and privacy issues related to technologies in healthcare.

Course methodology

Lectures, readings, class discussions, presentations, guest speaker(s).

Bases for evaluation of student performance

Evaluation may consist of the following:

  • Research papers
  • Examinations
  • Presentations
  • Participation/discussion


To be determined

Approved: 3/12

Updated: 8/24