INF 8850: Advanced Issues in Information Sciences

Course Description
This MLIS course, "AI (Machine Learning) in the Libraries" will provide an opportunity for deep exploration into the growing impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on library services. We'll explore how AI applications like chatbots, recommendation systems, and data analysis tools reshape information access, collection management, and user engagement.

Through engaging case studies, thought-provoking discussions, and practical online hands-on activities, students will critically understand AI's potential to enhance libraries while examining ethical considerations and potential biases.

Learning Outcomes

• Understand basic concepts related to AI and what is AI?

• Critically evaluate the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in libraries: Students will be able to analyze various AI tools and technologies for their relevance to different library functions, such as information retrieval, cataloging, user service personalization, and knowledge organization.

• Assess the ethical implications of AI in library settings: This outcome focuses on developing students' ability to identify and discuss potential biases, privacy concerns, and transparency issues associated with AI implementation in libraries.

• Curate and manage information resources for AI applications: Students will learn strategies for identifying, selecting, and preparing library data for use in AI systems, considering factors like data quality, format, and ethical sourcing. AI and Fair use, AI for Data Analysis and AI and Privacy.

• Communicate effectively about AI to library users and stakeholders: This outcome emphasizes developing clear and concise communication skills to explain the benefits, limitations, and potential impact of AI on library services to diverse audiences.

• Identify emerging trends in AI and their impact on libraries: Students will be able to stay current with advancements in AI research and development, and critically analyze their potential influence on the future of libraries and information services.

• Apply basic AI principles and tools to information tasks: This outcome might involve hands-on experience using pre-trained AI models or exploring user interfaces for AI-powered library functionalities.

• Develop a plan for integrating AI into a specific library service: Students will gain experience in applying their knowledge to a real-world scenario by proposing a strategy for implementing AI in a chosen library service, considering factors such as feasibility, user needs, and potential outcomes.

Updated: 06/24