7.3 ALA Reporting Directions
Statistical Reporting, Parts I and II, due February 15
to accred@ala.org with the Subject line: Interim Reporting 20XX
Part I – Enter previous year data in the trended data sheet
Download the Excel sheet from the Trended data by program, including student-to-faculty ratios, enrollment, graduation and more (Excel format)
- Need be, enable editing from the yellow row at the top. Find the program’s tab and insert a new top row by clicking on row 3, right click and choose Insert, click on Insert Options (paint brush icon) and choose the second option: Format Same As Below.
- Enter previous data in the clear (not grey-shaded formula) cells. Explanation of the data in the columns is noted below*.
If there are any significant changes in the data from previous years, provide a comment in the cell(s) and a narrative explanation in a row below the data rows.
*Column B – FT Faculty (school)
- Whole number only
- Include:
- Full-time members of the school’s faculty, including administrative personnel holding academic rank (or equivalent);
- Instructional staff who are full-time to the school; and
- FT Faculty on leave if at least partial salaries were paid during the leave. “Visiting faculty” should be included here if they were full-time during the term specified.
- Do not include people who devoted only a portion of their time to instruction (including research and service), even though they held academic titles (e.g., a university librarian who taught one course).
- Do not include unfilled positions.
Column C – PT (FTE) Faculty (school)
- Include adjunct and PT permanent faculty
- Include people who devoted only a portion of their time to instruction (including research and service), even though they held academic titles (e.g., a university librarian who taught one course)
- Use your institution’s formula for determining FTE for PT Faculty
Column D – Total FTE Faculty (school)
- This is a locked cell. Formula: =SUM(B4:C4)
Column E – Total FTE Enrollment-FT Faculty Ratio (school)
- This is a locked cell. Formula: =ROUND((N4/B4), 0)
Column F – Total FTE Enrollment-FTE Faculty Ratio (school)
- This is a locked cell. Formula: =ROUND((N4/D4), 0)
Column G – FT faculty (ALA Master’s program)
Number of FT faculty with any teaching responsibility in the accredited program; whole number only
Follow the guidelines for Column B above, but for the ALA-accredited program
Column H – PT (FTE) Faculty (ALA Master’s program)
Column I – FT ALA Master Students
Whole number only
Column J – PT ALA (headcount) Master Students
Column K – Total ALA (headcount) Masters Students
- This is a locked cell. Formula: =SUM(I4:J4)
Column L – PT ALA (FTE) Master Students
Use your institution’s formula for determining PT student FTE (a typical formula is PT headcount x .36)
Column M – Total ALA (FTE) Master Students
- This is a locked cell. Formula: =(I4+L4)
Column N – ALA Minority Enrollment (US programs only)
Headcount (whole number only); do not include international students.
Follow US Census guidelines for determining minorities; include students who report Two or More Races.
Column O – Total FTE Enrollment (entire school all programs) [how your school defines FTE will determine total number]
Column P – % of ALA Students/Total FTE Enrollment
- This is a locked cell. Formula: =M4/O4
Column Q – ALA Master’s Degrees Awarded, previous academic year
Column R –Other Degrees Awarded, previous academic year
Column S - Total Expenditure (school), for 12-month period that includes the previous academic year
Include salaries, wages, and operating expenses
Column T – Income Total (school)
- This is a locked cell. Formula: =S4/(U4+V4)
Column U – Income Parent Institution, for 12-month period that includes the previous academic year
Include income from parent institution, federal grants/contracts, CE activities, endowment/trust funds, state/provincial grants/contracts
Column V – Income All Other, for 12-month period that includes the previous academic year
Include other sources of income not listed above.
Column W – % Other Income/Total Income
- This is a locked cell. Formula: =V4/(U4+V4)
Part II – Student Achievement data
Policy section I.18.1. [PDF] requires programs to make the following statistics available publicly: 1) Retention rate, 2) Average time to degree completion as defined by your program/institution. and 3) Percentage of graduates holding positions relevant to the degree within 12 months of degree completion (which may include further graduate study). Those three statistics are to be positioned first among a listing of any other data the program would like to include. This data is to be accessible with no more than one click off the program landing page.
Review the program’s student achievement data weblink in the Searchable Database of ALA-accredited Programs to ensure that the link reflects the above policy requirements. If the link needs to be changed, sign-in to the site with the login and password the program has set or contact the Office (accred@ala.org).