ALA Student-to-Staff Program Application
Students may now apply to be selected to participate in the ALA Student-to-Staff Program during the 2020 Annual Conference to be held from June 25 to June 30 in Chicago, IL. ALA will provide free conference registration, housing (five nights), and a per diem ($200 total) in exchange for a total of 16 hours of work (typically four hours per day) during conference. The student should be available to work on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Students will receive a short questionnaire to help match them with appropriate ALA staff. Based on their assignment, students may be expected to perform a range of duties from clerical, to sales, to use of computers. The student will be responsible for travel to Chicago and local travel expenses.
Students selected to represent WSU SIS for the ALA Student-to-Staff Program are expected to write a short blog post of between 100 and 250 words after the conference to share their experience with other SIS students.
To qualify, the student must be a personal member of ALA at the time they submit their applications. Students who will graduate in May 2020 may apply. Students who have already participated in the program are not eligible. Service to the Wayne State University ALA Student Chapter will be considered, but any eligible student may apply since the WSU Chapter does not require an official membership..
Since there are more accredited ALA library and information science programs than available slots, there is a small chance that ALA will not select the nominee from Wayne State University, but this is unlikely since the School will submit its nomination earlier than usual this year.
To learn more about ALA's Student to Staff Program, click on the website below.
To apply, please complete the application below. The deadline for applications is November 10, 2010.