Registration Policy
The maximum credit hour enrollment for School of Information Sciences students is 9 credit hours. Students who wish to take more than 9 credits must request departmental permission to register for additional classes.
The waitlist for closed classes will be available by the third week of registration. Graduating students will receive priority on the waitlist for classes that are necessary for graduation during the term and appear on the student's Plan of Work. Otherwise, students are offered overrides for a course on a first come, first served basis. Students who receive an override have 48 hours to register for the course before the override is removed from their record and given to the next student on the waitlist.
SIS is utilizing university's waitlist system. Many of the courses that are regularly included in the school run waitlist will offer this option within the WSU registration system. After adding yourself to the list, if a spot opens in a closed class, the next student on the waitlist is sent an email to their WSU AccessID email. Students have 24 hours to register for the class, otherwise the open seat will be offered to the next student on the waitlist.
General Information on the New Waitlist
Instructions for How to Add to a Waitlist
SIS will offer a separate waitlist for cross-listed courses that are full. They are currently unable to participate in the university's waitlist system.