Plagiarism Quiz

Plagiarism occurs, not only as a result of conscious cheating, but often because of misunderstandings about what really constitutes plagiarism. Take this quiz to learn more about plagiarism and how to avoid it.

  1. "Handing in significant parts or the whole of a paper or article from an author other than myself, granted that I acknowledge that this is from an author other than myself, is not plagiarism."
    True or False
  2. "Common knowledge (composed of facts that can be found in a variety sources and which many people know) does not need to be cited."
    True or False
  3. "If I change a few words within a section of source text and then use that in my paper, then I am paraphrasing and not plagiarizing."
    True or False
  4. "It is best to simply reproduce the text of an authoritative source on a topic if the instructor wants me to give an authoritative view."
    True or False
  5. "I didn't plagiarize; my paper has quotes all throughout the paper, almost sentence for sentence!"
    True or False
  6. "Plagiarism is punishable by failing the assignment."
    True or False
  7. "I guess that I'll find out if I plagiarize when I do it!"
    True or False
  8. "If I use, verbatim, a sentence from a source, then I need only to cite it in order to avoid the charge of plagiarism."
    True or False
  9. "It is ok to simply copy and paste sections from Internet sources into my paper."
    True or False
  10. "It wasn't plagiarism; I just didn't understand what you wanted/what the material was about, and I ran out of time, so that is why all this appears to be plagiarized!"
    True or False
  11. "My husband/wife/child/parent/friend--or other--helped me with the paper. S/he wrote or rewrote part or all of it in order to make it more interesting, more authoritative or 'smarter.' This wasn't plagiarism-I simply got some help."
    True or False
  12. "I had my paper translated into English and have handed that in with just my name. Is that ok?"
    Yes or No


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