Student Writing Award

This annual award is intended to encourage scholarship and excellence in professional communication by recognizing outstanding student essays and projects completed during coursework in the School of Information Sciences (SIS). Documents submitted to the competition are usually papers or other media originally created for classroom assignments; original writing may also be submitted.

Entry submissions must maintain anonymity, no identifying marks indicating author's name. Papers should be clean and not contain any faculty comments. The jury will rank submissions by category.

The jury is composed of SIS faculty and staff who serve on the school's Administrative Concerns Committee. At least two students are also involved in the selection process. The jury reserves the right to confer no award in any category, if it deems no entry outstanding.

Submissions that do not adhere to these procedures will be returned without being evaluated.

Award Categories

  1. Narrative papers, essays or collection evaluations whose focus is librarianship, information science and/or associated professional areas.
  2. Bibliographic papers, which may take the form of a bibliographic essay, pathfinder or literature review article.
  3. Original computer programs, websites or multimedia presentations produced to accomplish a specific task or purpose.


  • Demonstrated originality, creativity, and scholarship.
  • Contribution to knowledge in library, archival, or information science fields.
  • Overall appearance, including presentation and proofreading.

Applications are accepted between February 1 and May 1. No extensions will be provided. Apply now.