WSU Library Graduate Student Assistantship

Graduate Student Assistants (GSAs) play an integral role in the Wayne State University Library System. The GSA employment experience is designed to provide a professional hands-on learning experience in an academic library setting. The skills and experience gained from the GSA position will serve to expand upon knowledge gained in the classroom and will be invaluable for graduate students pursuing a career in information sciences.

GSAs divide their time between providing direct user assistance at information/reference service points and special projects throughout the library system. Project assignments, facilitated by the discretion of the Coordinator for Graduate Student Assistants, may include work with discovery services, special collections, eResources, instruction, and digital publishing and are based on interest and career goals.

These positions support the Wayne State University mission to create and advance knowledge, prepare a diverse student body to thrive, and positively impact local and global communities. A successful candidate must embrace an environment of inclusion that moves beyond simple tolerance to recognizing the richness in individual identities of people, and diverse perspectives.

Meet the GSAs

The GSA employment experience is designed to provide a wide overview of academic library operations, with a focus on developing skills in operational areas increasing in responsibility and independence over an approximate two-year period.

Current GSA Openings

Graduation Student Assistantship - Applications Due by Sunday, June 2, 2024.
Job Description  |   Application

For further information, please contact Katrina Rouan.