4.2 ALA Interim Reporting


SIS has been accredited for sixty years from the American Library Association.  The review occurs every seven years but annual reporting is required.


ALA Interim Reporting for the MLIS

Required reporting for the Committee on Accreditation is described here:


Correspondence about interim reporting from ALA/COA is delivered to the head of the school (our AD), the program chair (currently Deborah Charbonneau, and the Dean of the School or other unit (Paul Bracke). Additionally, correspondence to us regarding our self-study and re-accreditation goes to the chair of our re-accreditation process, currently Hermina Anghelescu.

Between re-accreditation activities, ALA-accredited programs are required to submit interim reports of two types:

  1. Statistical reporting (in two parts)
  2. Biennial Narratives
  1. Statistical reporting takes place each year with an initial call for submissions arriving in the Fall (usually November) and due to ALA/COA by February 15.

The two parts include:

Part I: Data about the School, the program, the faculty, the students, degrees, etc.

Part II: A link to our website that documents student achievement data.

and are gathered by the AD with the assistance of one of the ASOs (currently Matt Fredericks).

  1. Biennial narratives are submitted once every other year (by February 15), with Wayne State’s being due in even-numbered years. Guidelines for biennial narratives appear on the ALA/COA website mentioned above. Copies of biennial narratives and related correspondence for 2020, 2022 and some earlier years are available in our repository.

See Appendix C for more detail.