4.3 WSU Assessment Requirements
WSU requires every academic program to engage in assessment in the Fall and Winter. It is important for SIS to have Faculty Representation at this University-level committee. Below are some instructions from their site but SIS Faculty representatives are available to work with all faculty on developing their assessment strategy and documentation.
WSU Assessment's mission is to engage faculty, staff, administrators, and students from academic and co-curricular/student services programs in an effective, sustainable process of continuous program improvement that enhances student learning throughout their time at Wayne State. WSU Assessment encourages stakeholders' engagement by:
- offering professional development opportunities in program assessment, such as workshops, group and individual consultations, training videos, presentations, and written documentation
- disseminating information about program assessment through peer support structures (University, College/School /Division, and Departmental program assessment committees; program assessment coordinators) and online at assessment.wayne.edu
- recognizing individuals and programs for their exemplary progress and scholarly presentations or publications in assessment
- facilitating feedback processes to improve the quality of programs' assessment plans
Read our annual reports to see our progress so far and our plans for improvement.
Program assessment supports students, faculty, and staff by helping programs to:
- Articulate their goals
- Find your program's learning outcomes and goals for 2022-2023
- Measure how well programs are achieving those goals
- Use that information to improve program quality
- See good models from WSU programs
- Communicate programs' successes effectively
- You can share your program assessment efforts through scholarly publications or presentations. See examples from our own Wayne State colleagues that have already done so.
Get started on your assessment plan now using the resources on this site. For example:
- Use the assessment practices feedback rubric (pdf) to compare your assessment plan to best practices.
- See examples of the core components of a complete assessment plan:
- Assessment plan (pdf)
- Academic and Student Services curriculum map examples and template
- Hold monthly discussions guided by the Individual Program (pdf)or Department or College Committee Conversation Calendars (pdf) to simplify your assessment planning work.
For more information: Mission - Program Assessment - Wayne State University