
Five images left to right - Man pointing at a page of a book - Card catalogue - Tablet with school of information sciences website - Man looking at laptop - Two students looking at a laptop

We are excited that you are interested in learning more about the School of Information Sciences' learning community. First accredited by the American Library Association in 1967, SIS at WSU is the sole master's-only program nationally ranked in the top 25 according to the most recent U.S. News and World Report survey. Located within an urban, research-intensive university, we offer an online Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree as well as graduate certificates at affordable in-state tuition rates for all students in North America.

Where do you fit?

SIS is committed to offering a curriculum balanced between academic scholarship and practical experience that will equip you with the skills that current employers demand. As a SIS graduate student, you will complete a common core of six foundational courses. For elective courses, the MLIS degree is divided into three main pillars.

Rounded rectangle with text reading Common Core Courses LIS 6010 6080 6120 6210 7040 7996

Library ServicesInformation ManagementArchives and Digital Content Manangement

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