2.4 Communication Etiquette
Faculty and staff are encouraged to follow the guidelines below in communicating with students to help ensure quality instruction and instructional advising:
- Faculty and staff will respond to email or voicemails within 3 business days
- Faculty will return assignments or update students of the status of the assignment within three working weeks of the due date of the assignment.
- Faculty will inform students when they will be absent for various reasons (vacation, professional or personal travel) and unable to meet these guidelines.
- Faculty and staff will inform students of their absences in one or more of the following ways: (see also Faculty Absences Section)
- An announcement via email
- Out-of-office message
- A message on voicemail
- A notice to program staff of their absence
- Faculty are expected to provide instructional advising whenever they are teaching but are not expected to provide academic advising during the Spring/Summer term or any other term when they are on leave.