2.5 Records Management Policy
The School of Information Sciences, recognizing that good records management is vital to the effective and efficient operation of institutional operations, enacts the following records management policy:
The purpose of this policy for the School of Information Sciences is to ensure that records and documents will be organized and retained after a certain period, and if designated as offering value, will be sent to the archives at the Walter P. Reuther Library. This policy also assists faculty, staff, and other employees of the School of Information Sciences in understanding their obligations in retaining electronic documents, physical documents, and any other records of value to the school. This policy also ensures that certain records and documents will be disposed of in an appropriate manner when it is determined that they are no longer of value.
This retention policy represents the School of Information Sciences policy concerning the retention and disposal of records and documents, including physical and electronic.
This records management policy shall apply to all faculty, staff, and other employees of the School of Information Sciences. Faculty are responsible for uploading their committee files and any other records they see as valuable to the school onto the SIS SharePoint site upon final revisions.
Separation of Employment
SIS faculty, staff, and other employees shall not take records with them when they terminate employment with the School of Information Sciences, and they shall not destroy records that have not yet fulfilled their approved retention period. Faculty, staff, and other employees should ensure that they have turned over any SIS related records or documents to their supervisors before leaving.
Electronic Record Type Retention Period (Years)
Administrative Files 7
- Student assistant work/info
- Policies and procedures
- Enrollment
- Financial aid
- Class scheduling
Admissions Documents 7
Advising Records 7
Advisory Board Files 10
Alternative Spring Break Files 5
Alumni Records 10
Annual Recognition Ceremony Files 5
Audits 10
Award Files 5
Beta Phi Mu Records 5
Budget Records 10
Career Fair Files 5
Certificate Files 5
- Templates for certificates
Class and Lab Schedules 10
COA Files 10
Conferences Files 5
Connections Newsletter 5
Course Files 10
- Course Profiles
- Course proposals
- Course templates
CRM Files
Curriculum Review Files 7
Curriculums 7
Dean Candidates Reviews 3
Development Files 7
- Donations
- Gift reports
- MOAs
Director Files 10
Display Case Materials 5
Diversity Council Files 5
Donor Files 5
Electronic Portfolio Files 10
- PTF info (CVs, seniority reports)
- Faculty assignment forms, background checks (HR Processes)
- Faculty accomplishments
- Faculty contracts
- Faculty correspondence
- Faculty CVs should be updated annually
- Faculty handbook reviewed annually
- Faculty meetings
- Faculty searches
- T&P
Forms 7
Fundraising Files 7
Graduate Bulletins 3
Graduation Files 7
Grants 7
GSA Files 3
Hiring Committee Files 3
Information Packet Forms 3
Job Postings 3
Marketing and Promotional Materials 5
- Flyers, brochures, handouts
- Photographs
- Newsletters
- Blogs
- Interviews
NDSA Colloquium Files 10
Orientation Files 10
Phone Bills Business Office should have these
Photographs Permanent with weeding
Policies 7
Practicum Documents 5
Procard Records 5
Purchasing Records 5
Recruitment Documents 5
Remodeling Files Business office
- Renovations
Research Documents Permanent
Retreat Documents 10
SIS Committee Files 10
- Administrative Concerns
- Curriculum & Assessment
SIS Event Files 5
Statistical Reports 7
Student Files and Records (FERPA) 10
- Prospective student files/packets
- Plans of work
- Applications
- Scholarships
- Student handbook
Student Organizations Records 5
Supplies Orders Business office
Surveys Permanent
Syllabi Files Permanent
Technology Documents 10
Videos Permanent with weeding
Webinar Documents 10
Website Files 5
Workforce Development Documents 5
Physical Records Retention Period (Years)
6080 waivers (106 Kresge) 7
Dismissal History Records (106 Kresge) 7
Graduates and Alumni Files (213 and 215 Kresge) (years: 2002, 10
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
2012 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
Grants Admin (213 Kresge) (years: 2000, 2001, 2002) 7
Plans of work (106, 213, 215 Kresge) 7
SAR history (106 Kresge) 7
Student files (106 Kresge) 20
Transcripts received at time of admission (106 Kresge) 7
Preservation Efforts
If physical records are determined to be of archival value, it is possible that these documents will be scanned and digitized to preserve information.
Disposal Method
If a record is electronic, it will be deleted, if it is physical, the School of Information will shred them in an appropriate manner.
Wayne State University shredding services are contracted through AccuShred. “When you have need for document shredding services, please contact Nate Segall, President of AccuShred at (800) 747-3341 / nsegall@accushred.net to obtain a quote today. Requisitions for one-time orders or blanket orders for scheduled services can be submitted in WayneBuy. Look for the Shredding Services title under WayneBuy – Strategic Supplier Forms. Please include console, container, bag, or service requirements in the external notes of the Requisition and attach the quote for our reference.”
Deposit Method
If records have archival value, these records must be transferred to the Walter P. Reuther Library at Wayne State University for permanent preservation. The School of Information Sciences must follow the Reuther's procedures for depositing records. Timing for transferring materials to the Reuther is to be determined.
Any final documents that are relevant to the following areas, should be deposited into the SIS SharePoint site:
- Academic Concerns Committee
- Administrative Concerns Committee
- ALIS Statistical Reports
- Budget Advisory Committee
- COA Documentation
- Committee Assignments
- Faculty Dossier Prep
- Faculty Handbook
- SIS Faculty Meetings
- Faculty Senate
- Marketing Committee
- MS in Information Management Advisory Committee
- Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Salary Committee
- Scholarship Committee
- SIS Policies
- Strategic Planning
- Technology Committee
- Undergrad Program Development
The SharePoint site is here: SIS - Documents - All Documents (sharepoint.com). You can request access from the link. If you are a committee chair, it is your responsibility to add in relevant documents for SIS institutional knowledge. Examples would be agendas, meeting minutes, procedure outlines, final proposals, etc. The intent is to house final copies of SIS documentation.
Physical files need to be weeded and this list adjusted. [KS1]