3.4 Incomplete Coursework Policy
University Policy
The mark of “I” Incomplete is given to students who have no completed all of the coursework as planned for the term and when there is, in the judgement of the instructor, a reasonable probability that the student will complete the course successful without again attending regular class sessions.
University grading policy states that a written contract should be signed by the student and instructor specifying all work to be completed. In order to alleviate questions about incomplete course and to assist students and instructors, the Office of the Registrar has prepared a template.
The contract must be signed by the student the week of final grading for the semester when the work was not finished.
SIS Policy
Previous policy language online at: https://sis.wayne.edu/students/policies/incomplete
In instances where a student has made significant progress in a course, the mark of ‘I’ (“Incomplete”) is given at the discretion of the instructor near or at the end of the term when unforeseen events prevent the student from completing all the course work as planned for the term. The student is responsible for initiating the Incomplete request. An Incomplete will only be assigned in extenuating circumstances when the instructor has assessed the following regarding the student.
- There is a reasonable probability that the student can complete the remaining course work successfully without participating in additional class sessions.
- The student has completed 75-80% or more of the class assignments and the student is currently passing the course at the time the “Incomplete” is requested.
- The student does not have two or more active “Incomplete” grades at the time of the request.
The mark of ‘I’ will not be awarded if, in the instructor's judgment, it is necessary for the student to attend subsequent sessions of the class.
An incomplete grade cannot be recorded without a signed contract.
A written contract (pdf) must be established specifying: 1) the work to be completed, 2) a final deadline for submission, and 3) signed by the student and instructor no later than the last day of the final exams period per the University Registrar's calendar. The deadline for outstanding coursework submission is arranged with the instructor.
“Incomplete” grades are not included in the GPA calculation and are considered a noncompletion of attempted coursework until the grade is replaced with a permanent letter grade. The instructor reserves the right to assign a lower grade for missed class participation or group work.
A student cannot graduate with an “Incomplete” on record. Any unchanged “Incomplete” grades at the end of the one year will be changed to a grade of F; however, instructors have the right to establish a deadline that is earlier than one year.
Responsibility for completing all course work rests with the student.
Responsibility for grading the completed work and reporting the grade change to the Office of the Registrar in a timely manner rests with the instructor. If incompletes are not satisfied by the date of agreement between the faculty member and student, a faculty member may assign a failing grade for the course. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office prior to requesting an “Incomplete” in their courses to be fully aware of how an “Incomplete” may impact their financial aid situation.
Incomplete policy approved by faculty 5/10/2023