3.5 Student Appeal of Grade
A student’s first appeal shall be directed to the instructor in charge. Students may also contact the WSU Ombuds Office at any time for assistance with any problems associated with a grade decision or grade appeal.
Formal Appeal: Initiation of Appeal
To initiate the appeal process, the student shall submit a written statement detailing his/her/their objections, along with supporting documentation, to the School of Information Sciences Associate Dean. The student must file the written appeal within 30 calendar days following official notification of grades for the term in which the disputed grade awarded, whenever informal review fails to resolve a dispute.
School of Information Sciences Review
The SIS Associate Dean shall assemble all written documentation and oral testimonies from the student the instructor in charge. If the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, the Associate Dean shall convene a Grade Appeals Committee. Students shall be notified in writing of the department’s decision by the Associate Dean regarding the appeal within 60 days of lodging the formal appeal.
Grade Appeals Committee
An ad hoc committee of three (3) faculty members appointed by the Associate Dean, and one student, shall consider the appeal. The School of Information Sciences Associate Dean shall appoint a Committee Chair. Opportunity will be given to both the student and the instructor to state their cases before a decision is made by the committee. All meetings held in relation to the appeal shall provide parties the opportunity to present additional information orally or in writing. No additional person will be permitted at such meetings without advance approval by the Chair, Associate Dean, or Dean, as appropriate. The decision of the Grade Appeals Committee will be reported to the Associate Dean. Matters not resolved at the School level may be appealed to the Dean.
Dean’s Review
If the appeal is not resolved at the School level the student may initiate a review by the Dean of the University Library System.
Review by Associate Provost for Academic Programs
If, after your school/college appeal path is exhausted and you wish to continue with the grade appeal process, per the University Academic policy, you may request a Provost Review within 30 days of this decision. The request should be submitted via the online form located at https://provost.wayne.edu/academic-policy. For assistance with the appeal process, the student may contact the Ombuds office.