5.1.3 Part-Time Faculty
Promotion procedures are outlined in the UPTF Collective Bargaining Agreement on pages 23-25, Article XVII Performance Evaluation. Article XVII is long, but here is the beginning:
A. Each department will establish its own written guidelines regarding such evaluations. Guidelines must be in accordance with the general rules established in this Agreement.
- Guidelines shall be posted and shared with PTF.
- The Provost’s Office will send an email to all PTF employed in the current semester during the third week, and again in the fifth week reminding them a PTF1 or PTF2 may request evaluation for promotion beginning in the Employee’s fifth semester in rank within a Course Pool. If the request is made in the fifth semester, the evaluation will be conducted in the sixth semester in the Course Pool. If the request is made after the fifth semester, the evaluation will be conducted in the semester requested, or later in accordance with the procedure stated in this Article.
- If the PTF1 or PTF2 makes a request for evaluation in the fifth semester in a Course Pool (or a later semester, if an evaluation had not been undertaken before), the PTF1 or PTF2 must notify the Department Chair or Unit Supervisor of the request in writing either electronically or by first class mail by the end of the seventh week of the semester. The Department Chair or Unit Supervisor will respond with a notification that must include a list of all materials that the Employee is required to submit. The notification must also establish the format of the evaluation and identify the criteria that will be used in evaluating the Employee.
SIS Part-Time Faculty Evaluation
In order to be promoted from PTF 1 to PTF 2:
- Review of course materials (syllabus, agenda, assignments, group projects, culminating assessments, etc.) by the School’s Associate Dean or his designee
- Assessment of course materials noted above plus course content and its means of delivery by the Lead Instructor
- Submission and review of 2 most-recent complete Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) submissions
- Solicitation of letters of recommendation from students in 2 most-recent courses taught