5.1.5 Committees
Elections for faculty committees are held at the first faculty meeting of the new academic year (September).
Promotion and Tenure Committees: As mentioned in the SIS Bylaws III.A.1.a: The committee shall consist of the required number of tenured members of the faculty and a student member. The Dean or the Dean’s designee shall be the ex officio chair of the committee, with a vote.
(2023) Current tenured faculty: H. Anghelescu, J. Beaudoin, D. Charbonneau, K. Kumasi, D. Walster, X. Zhang
Salary Committee: Consists of three [3] faculty from the Promotion and Tenure Committee, one [1] additional faculty, and one [1] academic services officer.
SIS Budget Advisory Committee: Consists of three [3] faculty members and is an elected position.
All faculty and staff of SIS must choose membership in at least one of the following internal SIS committees:
Curriculum and Assessment Committee: Works on curriculum appraisal and improvement. Includes updating course profiles, evaluation of proposed courses, and documentation of relevant course procedures.
Administrative Concerns Committee: Works on administrative policy for SIS including PTF review policy, POW form and system review, and scholarships.
AAUP-AFT Article XXX: University-Wide Committees
Below is information on the various American Association of University Professor – American Federation of Teachers (AAUP-AFT), Article XXX University-Wide Committees (pg. 85). AAUP- AFT Represented Faculty and Academic Staff are encouraged to nominate themselves to serve on these committees. Nominations should be submitted to your department chair and/or immediate supervisor. Please be sure to pay close attention to eligibility requirements and length of term before requesting to serve.
Any questions about this process should be directed to the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.
President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching Selection Committee
- Committee members rate and review the applications for the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
- Committee meets during the Winter semester for one (1) 1-hour meeting.
- Final membership consists of five (5) committee members, including one previous committee member and two past awardees.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a represented faculty member.
Academic Staff Professional Development Committee (Article XXVI.C)
- Established in 1986, The Academic Staff Professional Development Committee (ASPDC) is committed to providing opportunities for academic staff members to enhance their professional development through its support of both on-campus and off- campus workshops, seminars, and conferences.
- The committee meets regularly throughout the academic year, as set by the committee chair.
- Three (3) nominees will be selected to serve for 2-year terms. (Final committee will consist of six members in 2 groups with staggered two-year terms)
- One (1) nominee will be selected to serve for a 1-year term. (AY 2023-24)
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a represented academic-staff member.
Academic Staff Hearing Panel (BOG
- A committee authorized to review the grounds for the proposed dismissal of Academic Staff with Tenure and to make recommendations thereon.
- The committee will be called to meet, as requested.
- Four (4) AAUP-represented academic staff to be elected for 3-year terms (Final panel will consist of 12 members in three groups with staggered three-year terms)
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a represented academic-staff member.
- Must hold employment security status (ESS) or tenure.
Academic Staff Promotion and Tenure Committee (Article XXII.D.3.b; XXIII.C.2)
- Committee members review the promotion applications for all represented academic staff.
- The committee meets between April – May for one (1) 3-hour meeting.
- Nine (9) nominees selected; "No more than two persons from any one Academic-Staff unit, but at least one tenured librarian or librarian with ESS and one tenured archivist or one archivist with ESS."
o “For candidates on employment security-track or holding employment security status, the University Academic-Staff Promotion Committee may consist of the University Academic-Staff Tenure Committee without the requisite tenured librarian and tenured archivist.”
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a represented academic-staff member.
- Must hold employment security status (ESS) or tenure.
Sabbatical Leaves Committee (Article XIII.B.2.e)
- The functions of this committee shall be:
- (a) to evaluate all applications and to rank those applications which the committee deems worthy of approval for sabbatical leaves;
- (b) to advise the President or their designee of its recommendations; and
- (c) to recommend to the various elements of the University any need for change in the sabbatical leave policy.
- The committee meets between January - February for one (1) 90-minute meeting.
- Seven (7) nominees selected; "at least one of whom must be a member of the academic staff, but no more than two members of the committee may be from the same school/college."
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be represented by the AAUP-AFT bargaining unit.
Faculty Promotion and Tenure (Article XXII.D.3.a)
- Committee members review all promotion and/or tenure applications for faculty.
- The committee meets every Friday for three (3) hours between February – April.
- Final membership consists of 15 nominees selected: Three (3) from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Three (3) from the School of Medicine, One (1) from each other school/college.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a represented faculty member, preference given to Full Professors.
- Must hold tenure.
- Faculty bargaining-unit members who are currently serving on School/College/division tenure and promotion committees, except for those which are initiating committees, shall not be eligible to serve."
General Education Oversight Committee (BOG
- The General Education Oversight Committee is charged with making recommendations to the President or her/his designee for the implementation and review of the General Education curriculum.
- The committee meets regularly during the Fall and Winter semesters, as set by the chairs of the committee.
- The committee is comprised of six (6) representatives from CLAS; two (2) from FPCA; one
(1) each from Business, Education, Engineering, Nursing, PHS, and Social Work. Two (2) representatives selected by the Academic Senate (one (1) tenured faculty member and one
(1) ESS Academic Staff member). One (1) student representative selected by the Student Senate; and one (1) representative, ex officio, from the University Libraries.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a represented faculty or academic-staff member.
- For AY 2023-24 – We are only seeking nominees from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts; College of Education; and the School of Social Work.
Educational Development Grant Selection Committee (Article XXVI.A)
- Committee members rate and review the applications for the Educational Development Grant.
- Committee meets during the Winter semester for at least two (2) 1-hour meetings.
- Final membership consists of five (5) committee members.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a represented faculty member.
Faculty Hearing Panel (BOG
- The committee is authorized to review the grounds for the proposed dismissal and to make recommendations thereon.
- The committee will be called to meet, as requested.
- Four (4) AAUP-represented faculty to be elected to three-year terms. (Final hearing panel comprised of 12 members in three groups each with 3-year staggered terms.)
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a represented faculty member.
- Must hold Tenure.
University Research Grant Selection Committee (Article XXVI.A)
- Committee members rate and review the applications for the University Research Grant
- Committee meets during the Winter semester for one (1) 1-hour meeting.
- Final membership consists of 20 committee members, equally divided among four (4) subcommittees (Humanities; Life Sciences; Physical Sciences and Mathematics; Social Sciences)
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a represented faculty or academic-staff member with research responsibilities.