
The graduate grading system is intended to reflect higher standards of critical and creative scholarship than those applied at the undergraduate level. Graduate students are required to maintain a "B" average GPA of 3.0 to satisfy degree requirements. Final grades are recorded under the following system:

A Excellent 4.00

A- 3.67

B+ 3.33

B Good 3.00

B- Below graduate standards 2.67

C+ 2.33

C 2.00

F Failure "" 0 grade points per credit hour

I Incomplete

S Satisfactory (pass/fail)

U Unsatisfactory (pass/fail)

WP Official Withdrawal Passing

WF Official Withdrawal Failing

WN Official Withdrawal Nonattendance

Y Continuing Grade

A Consistently distinguished and superior performance in all aspects of the assignment/course. This grade represents nearly flawless work that exhibits mastery of the subject matter/ assignment as well as qualities such as analytical ability, originality, creativity, and interpretation.

A- Excellent performance; superior achievement in most aspects of the work.

B+ Strong, solid performance; above basic course requirements.

B Good work, consistent with performance expected of students in a master's degree program; meets basic requirements.

B- Work which does not attain acceptable levels in significant aspects of the assignment/course. This is a marginal grade which should alert students to their limited performance.

C+ Below graduate standards. Student has not met all requirements at an acceptable level.

C Unacceptable work. Student has failed to meet most of the minimum requirements.

F Failing grade; work does not meet minimum requirements.