Student Professional Development Award

The Student Professional Development Award (SPDA) was established to encourage and support students to present their research at a professional conference. Examples of research may include but are not limited to full length presentations, poster sessions, lightning talks, and panel discussions. This award is intended to support up to one half of travel costs related to state, local, national, regional, and international conferences. Awarded funds will be reimbursed upon the completion of travel and the submission of receipts and the conference report.

The conference submission must clearly indicate that the recipient is a current student in the School of Information Sciences at Wayne State University. Students must be registered in the WSU School of Information Sciences both during the application period and at the time of travel.

SIS will cover up to one half of the conference travel cost.

A maximum award of $250 is available for students' state and local conferences.

A maximum award of $500 is available for national, regional, and international conferences.

A maximum of three students per paper or poster can apply for the award.

Students are permitted to apply for professional development funding one time during their tenure as a student in the WSU School of Information Sciences.

The Scholarships and Awards Committee will review applications and notify the applicant with their determination within three weeks of application submission.

Upon Approval and Prior to Booking of Travel

Students must contact Matt Fredericks for assistance with the travel and reimbursement process prior to any travel arrangements. Students who are also university employees must have travel preapproved through TravelWayne. Please contact Matt Fredericks at for assistance with this process. Awarded funds will be reimbursed upon the completion of travel and the submission of receipts and the conference report.

Upon Completion of Travel

One Page Report: Within one week of returning, recipients are required to submit a one page report about the conference and presentation upon returning from the conference. The School may use the report or any portion of the report for its public relations/communications activities, including the SIS blog. Submission of any photos taken at the conference would also be greatly appreciated. The written report must be submitted to Llauna Parker in the SIS office within one week of returning from the conference. Please note, travel will not be reimbursed until the report is received.

Receipts of travel expenses: All documentation must be submitted to Matt Fredericks by email ( within one week upon returning from the conference.

Note: If the student does not attend the conference or does not submit the report and receipts, SIS is not responsible for the payment or reimbursement of any fees and travel costs related to the conference.