Transfer credit

Transferring credits requires filling out the official Petition for Transfer of Graduate Credit form which must be completed by the student, signed by the advisor and accompanied by official transcripts. Appeals of credit transfer and course waiver decisions may be made in writing to the SIS Associate Dean.

If you are considering a course for transfer credit, you must get the course approved in advance.


Transfer Credits

Graduate credit transfer policies which apply under all circumstances:
  • The course(s) cannot have been applied toward another degree or certificate.
  • Under no circumstances may undergraduate credits be used toward a graduate degree; the course(s) must be indicated as graduate level on an official transcript.
  • A grade of "B" or better must have been earned.
  • Pass / Satisfactory / Fail grades are not transferable.
  • Students have 6 years to complete an MLIS. Transfer courses must be taken within the 6 year period for the MLIS.
  • Only 6 credit hours outside of library and information science may be applied to the MLIS degree. Up to 9 credit hours of SIS classes taken at another ALA-accredited MLIS program may be approved for transfer credit.
  • Written justification of how the transferred course fits into the student's overall Plan of Work is to be submitted at the time of the request.
  • Students petitioning for transfer credits for Core Classes must submit a course artifact (transfer credit form and transfer credit justification statement) for these to their Graduation Assessments. They may also elect to submit a course artifact (transfer credit form and transfer credit justification statement) for transferred elective credits.
  • Transfer credits are not accepted for certificate-only programs.

Transfer Credits for MLIS Core Classes and other required classes, endorsement or Specialist classes

  • Designated Course Leaders are responsible for reviewing official transcripts and recommending the transfer of core and required classes for all degrees to the SIS Office for final approval.
  • Both the Lead Instructor and Advisor must approve the transfer of credits for a Core Class.

Transfer Credits for Elective courses

  • Faculty advisors are responsible for reviewing course documents and official transcripts, and for recommending transfer of credits for all elective courses to the SIS Office for final approval.
  • Elective courses for transfer must be relevant to a student's chosen career path and be integrated with the overall Plan of Work. Recommendations for transfer of elective courses will be made on a course by course and student by student basis.
  • Sufficient evidence for the advisor to make a decision will be provided by the student requesting a transfer. Evidence will include the course syllabus. Additional evidence, such as course assignments or other documentation of proficiency, may be requested by the faculty advisor.