Master schedule
The master schedule details when the School of Information Sciences expects to offer the courses in its catalog. However, students should anticipate that there may be some variation on a semester-to-semester basis due to instructor availability and scheduling constraints. Please also note that offerings available during Spring/Summer are more limited than Fall and Winter semesters.
* Courses with this notation are based in the College of Education. Schedule offerings will vary. Please check the Wayne State Schedule of Classes.
^ Courses with this notation are cross-listed classes where SIS will attempt to provide an instructor for the designated semester. Additional sections may be available based on the College of Education schedule. Please refer to the Wayne State Schedule of Classes.
** Course numbers 6850 and 8850 are designated for special topics classes which may vary by semester. Please refer to the Wayne State Schedule of Classes for course content, format and frequency. Keep watch for SIS INF messaging for special topics classes.
Reminder: All SIS classes are fully online. Some classes have live sessions, but they are still streamed and recorded. Refer to your instructor or registration for live session dates.
Master schedule